============================================================== NEWPRINT Firmware Update for macOS (04/07/2023) ============================================================== Three command-line utilities are required to update the firmware on your NEWPRINT board: 1) python3 2) pip3 3) esptool In addition, USB CP210X VCP drivers may also be needed if your NEWPRINT does not appear as a serial device when plugged into your mac with a USB cable connected to the NEWPRINT microcontroller. ============================================================== (A) Verify command line tools are installed ============================================================== 1) Verify you have python3 installed. By default on macOS it is not installed. If you have installed XCode, it should be available. Open the mac Terminal application and run the following command: python3 --version It should be something like: "Python 3.9.6" If system asks about install Developer Tools, do it. Proceed when this command returns a version number. 2) Verify you have pip3 (Python package manager) installed: Run this command in the terminal window: pip3 --version if pip3 is not found there is something not quite right with your setup. Please contact me and I can try to assist. 3) Install the esptool flashing tool. Run this command in the terminal window: pip3 install esptool Verify esptool installation: python3 -m esptool version It should report something like: esptool.py v4.5.1 4.5.1 ============================================================== (B) Verify your NEWPRINT is recognized as a serial device ============================================================== 1) Unplug any power cable from your NEWPRINT board (ie. if using the barrel jack to power your NEWPRINT). The USB cable used in the next step will provide power to your NEWPRINT during the firmware update process. You do not want to power your NEWPRINT with two sources at the same time. This could damage your NEWPRINT. 2) Connect a USB cable between the large microcontroller CPU on your NEWPRINT board and your Mac. This connector may be USB-C or USB-Micro-B depending on your NEWPRINT model. 3) Verify that your NEWPRINT is recognized as a serial device. Run this command in a terminal window: ls /dev/cu.* It should show a few items. NEWPRINT should appear as a "usbserial" entry. Example: "cu.usbserial-0001" If it does not appear, you probably need to install the USB CP210X VCP drivers for Mac. Download and install them from: https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers?tab=downloads Restart your Mac after installing these drivers. Re-run the above command and see if your NEWPRINT appears as a usbserial device. If not, contact me at support@plaidvest.com and I can try to help resolve this issue. ============================================================== (C) Download Firmware Files ============================================================== 1) Download the latest NEWPRINT firmware from www.plaidvest.com/newprint.html#downloads-anchor 2) Unzip the firmware files and note the folder location. 3) Change the current terminal directory (cd) to be the folder where you unzipped the firmware files. Run this command in a terminal window with your username and folder location: cd /Users/xxx/Downloads/np-multi-firmware-1.4 5) Verify you are in the correct location by getting a directory listing. Run this command in the terminal window: ls -l You should see two files listed: newprint-multi.ino.partitions.bin newprint-multi.ino.bin 6) Update the esptool "--port" parameter below with the exact "/dev/cu.usbserial-xxxx" name of your NEWPRINT (determined in step B3 above). 7) Run this command (updated with your values) in the terminal (one long commmand, no linebreaks or characters): python3 -m esptool --chip esp32 --port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 --baud 921600 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size detect 0x10000 newprint-multi.ino.bin 0x8000 newprint-multi.ino.partitions.bin If everything is setup, a "connecting" progress bar will appear. Your NEWPRINT should be recognized and the firmware will be uploaded. At the end of the upload your NEWPRINT will be reset. ============================================================== If you have any questions or problems with the update feel free to contact me at support@plaidvest.com ============================================================== I also am happy to update your board if you would rather not do it. I only charge return shipping cost ($5 for USA). If you would like to do this, send your NEWPRINT (just the board) to: Plaid Vest Software c/o Kyle Wadsten 608 Drahner Dr Eaton Rapids, MI 48827 Please include your full return shipping address and $5 (cash or paypal to support@plaidvest.com).